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Gustav Mahler Vinyl Records

Gustav Mahler was an Austrian composer and conductor who lived from 1860-1911. He is most famous for his symphonies, which often feature a mix of classical and folk music, and his large choral works. He also wrote several songs, as well as a few operas. Mahler's most famous works are his nine symphonies. He also wrote two unfinished symphonies, known as the Tenth Symphony. His most popular symphonies include the First Symphony, known as the "Titan" symphony; the Second Symphony, known as the "Resurrection" symphony; the Third Symphony; the Fourth Symphony; and the Eighth Symphony, known as the "Symphony of a Thousand". Mahler's most famous songs include "Das Lied von der Erde" (The Song of the Earth), "Kindertotenlieder" (Songs on the Death of Children), and "Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen" (I am Lost to the World). An interesting fact about Gustav Mahler is that he was the first major composer to use a recording studio. He also often used recordings of his own music to check the accuracy of performances.